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So far, 2020 has been a blossoming year for the E-learning industry. A combination of factors, not the least of which is the coronavirus pandemic, has brought more students into the world of E-learning. Even users who are generally more inclined to use traditional learning methods have discovered the effectiveness and opportunities offered with online courses.

As this industry keeps on growing, competition is becoming fierce. To stay on top of this game, companies in the E-learning field must stay up to date with new trends and demands of the market. For this year of 2020, there are some excellent practices and trends that are proving to be game changers. It is good for every business to leverage them to attract more users and make their E-learning platforms more profitable.

The E-Learning Market Size 

Creating and maintaining an E-learning platform is a challenging endeavor. To create an E-learning solution, maintain it, and make it grow, companies must have strong planning skills and market insights.  But given the size of the E-learning market and its promising figures for the future, any effort in this direction will be well worth it.  

40% of the industry share comes from North America but the E-learning market is thriving worldwide. By 2025, the E-learning market is estimated to hike up to and surpass $300 billion. Considering that this same market generated $190 billion in 2018, it is apparent how rapid and impressive this growth is.

So, What are the Top 8 Best Practices? 

1. Gamification

Gamification became popular in 2018 and it continues to rise in popularity. The secret behind its success is plain and simple: a high level of engagement and an enlightening learning experience. 

Adding games to your platform will transform passive learning into active learning, thus making it more appealing to a larger audience. Besides increasing engagement, gamification comes with several more benefits. For instance, you will motivate your students if you include rewards at the end of each game session. Feedback at the end of the game can give your students an immediate report on their progress and provide you with information on the quality of your lessons.

2. Go Mobile

The mobile revolution is now a reality. A large majority of users around the world already access the web through mobile devices. According to a study by CNBC, by 2025 almost 73% of all internet users will access the web solely through a smartphone. 

The implications of this fact for E-learning platforms are clear. Unless you create a responsive solution accessible from a variety of devices, including smartphones and other mobile devices, you will be missing out on a large portion of this market.

3. Adaptive E-learning

When it comes to learning, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Unfortunately, this has been an ongoing problem for E-learning platforms confronted with the challenge of educating large audiences all at the same time. 

As there is no direct contact with an instructor, there is the risk that an E-learning platform will offer material that is not useful for some students or too advanced for others.

Adaptive learning refers to a range of solutions that helps to solve this problem and ensure that the students have access to information that is appropriate to their level of experience and knowledge.  Adaptive learning will meaningfully help the student to grow.

Through pre-course tests, personalization options, and an algorithm that tracks user performances, adaptive learning crafts the lessons for each specific student. This approach meets the needs of an ever more demanding audience that is used to having the internet at their fingertips.

4. Microlearning

Microlearning refers to the practice of creating short lessons that are packed with relevant information. That can be done through concise articles, short modules, videos, infographics, podcasts, or a combination of all of these.

Limited attention spans and fast-paced lives are a common problem today. Many students do not have enough time, or the concentration needed to sit down for long periods to follow a course. Microlearning allows them to access relevant information quickly and effectively, perhaps while they are commuting or during off periods.

5. Tracking Learning (Analytics)

Tracking is crucial for every business, including E-learning platforms. Implementing a good tracking system is relatively simple and mostly depends on choosing the right LMS to power your platform.

Analytics is important in many ways. Through effective tracking you can assess the progress of your students and their performances so that you can adapt the course accordingly. At the same time, tracking may reveal gaps in your material or areas of your lessons that need to be improved. 

Some organizations may even use tracking to single out the best student and have quick access to the best talent. 

6. Virtual Reality (VR)

VR is a fantastic tool to entertain students and make their experience more engaging. Virtual Reality is particularly effective when addressing an audience that prefers learning through visual aids instead of reading. Thanks to this technology, modules and visual elements can literally come to life taking the learning experience to the next level.


7. Social Learning

As Social Media has had a massive impact on the life and behavior of people, the same technology is impacting the E-learning industry. Students are given the ability to interact with each other and share their experiences, progress, or difficulties.

One of the major benefits of Social Learning is that the student doesn’t interact solely with software, but with real people. Social Learning gives the feeling of being part of a real classroom. The interaction with other people better motivates students to keep putting forth effort throughout their learning journey.

8. AI Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) applied to E-learning is an absolute game-changer. AI is what makes the online learning experience as similar as possible to traditional learning. Artificial Intelligence has the capability to analyze the student’s behavior and adapt the lessons in that moment. For instance, an AI tutor can detect areas where the student’s knowledge is lacking or needs improvement and it can supply material to fill the gap.

Moreover, students can interact with the virtual tutor through vocal commands which definitely enhance the learning experience.